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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to be Methodist to attend?

No! We are primarily funded by the United Methodist Church, but anyone from any denomination or faith background is welcome to participate in events, small groups, and worship.


So, I can just come over to hang out whenever I want?

Wesley’s doors open at 7 am and are open till 11 pm every day of the week. Just walk in and hang out between classes, and stay a little later if you need to work on homework or just need a place to get away from your dorm. For a lot of people, Wesley is their “home away from home”.


Where can I park?

Paid Public Parking: The parking lot on E. College St. is an hourly paid parking lot.


Active Student Parking Pass: If you are an active student here, you can pick up a permit for $20 and park for free in either the N. Pecan or E. College lot. No overnight parking, please.


How do I become a member?

You are considered an active member at Wesley when you attend fellowship events, Bible studies, or worship on a regular basis. There's no official joining process.


Do you have a praise team I can join?

Yes! If you are looking for a way to get involved by singing, playing an instrument, or running sound/video, then Hearts Afire is the place for you! Contact our Music Ministries Intern with questions about how to join.


How do I become a leader at Wesley?

There are many leadership positions at Wesley, including small group leaders, student council members, paid internships, the praise team, coordinators of ministries, etc.  All leaders agree to a standard of behavior outlined in the Leadership Covenant. Additionally, student council members have responsibilities outlined in the Student Council Covenant. Our Student Council follows our Student Constitution which outlines eligibility, nominations, and elections. If you are interested in student council, talk with anyone in leadership. See our Resources Page for copies of all of these documents.


Read the Wesley Foundation's FAQ on Human Sexuality.

The above FAQ was unanimously approved by the SFA Wesley Foundation's board of directors in July of 2024.

© 2023 by SFA Wesley Foundation

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